February 22, 2025

Warzone Season 5 Best Loadouts

Warzone Season 5 Best Loadouts

Warzone Season 5 Best Loadouts

Each new patch brings with it weapon modifications that both enhance and diminish, forcing players to adapt their loadouts in order to remain competitive.

After some modifications, the HRM-9 remains one of the finest close-range SMGs available. This loadout combines it with an XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop and Auger 840 Light Barrel to further increase its range, ADS speed, and recoil control capabilities.

STG 44

The STG 44 is an outstanding close-range combat weapon with the potential to become a top-tier meta gun with proper attachments. Depending on their use, this firearm has a good headshot multiplier and low recoil.

This German assault rifle is an essential asset for close range players. Highly adaptable, it can serve both as an assault rifle or light machine gun; for maximum effectiveness we suggest equipping it with Focus, Sleight of Hand, and Tempered perk packages for optimal use.

The KILO-141 has been reduced in power in Season 5, yet still provides powerful firepower in close quarter battles. You can equip it with Mono or Enhanced Suppressors, Commando Foregrip and VLK Optic optics for greater ADS speed, accuracy, mobility and recoil control.

MCW Assault Rifle

The MCW has quickly become one of the best guns in both Warzone and Modern Warfare 3, thanks to its power and controllability – even after receiving its recent nerf.

Utilizing an XRK Edge BW-4 Handstop and Auger 840 Light Barrel will maximize its fast handling and ADS Speed capabilities. Attaching a Bruen Heavy Support Grip also improves recoil control.

The Superi 46 has quickly become one of the premier SMGs for Warzone and MW3, boasting impressive mobility stats that rival those found on this list – particularly its fast TTK time – making it one of the best weapons when looking to be aggressive and reach corners quickly. Furthermore, its impressive damage range makes this an excellent weapon to include when making quick plays.

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TAQ Eradicator

The TAQ Eradicator LMG received a significant damage increase during Season 5, vaulting it into the top spot in terms of meta strategy. Its unique prototype firing system offers players the freedom to play aggressively or strategically depending on the circumstances – its rapid first six shots can then settle into more controlled rhythm, providing players with maximum flexibility depending on what situation arises.

This build optimizes the TAQ Eradicator’s competitive TTK by employing attachments designed to reduce gun kick, such as Tactique Brute Stock and Quartermaster Suppressor. Scavenger Gloves enable looting opponents you kill for ammunition, while Ghost T/V Camo and Covert Sneakers let you walk freely around maps undetected by radar while muffle footstep sounds.

The Bruen Bastion Angled Grip underbarrel enhances TAQ accuracy by decreasing hipfire and tac stance spread, improving idle sway stability and firing aim stability while simultaneously amplifying movement through features like Double Time and Sleight of Hand.


Warzone’s Static-HV SMG has quickly risen to the top of its close-range SMG category since its introduction. Boasting a fast fire rate and large magazine capacity, it’s an ideal weapon for both close range combat as well as more open areas.

TCaptainX performed a comparative test between the new Static-HV SMG and Superi 46 SMGs and discovered that when headshots are scored quickly with accuracy, the Static-HV has a faster time-to-kill – making it an attractive option for experienced shooters with quick reflexes and accuracy.

As with other SMGs in Warzone, Static-HV can be optimized by experimenting with different ammunition types and muzzle/barrel combinations in order to get maximum performance out of this close quarters SMG. To unlock it, players must complete Sector 6 of their battle pass.

Superi 46

The Superi 46 SMG made its debut with Season 4 update and quickly established itself as one of the premier run-and-gun weapons. Offering great range, mobility, accuracy and stopping power.

This Superi 46 build is optimized for tactical playstyle, featuring the Houndguard Heavy Barrel for increased range and bullet velocity as well as an FTAC RS-9 Stealth Angled Grip to optimize long-range gunfighting abilities.

Finish off your build with an Infantry Vest which lengthens Tac Sprint sessions while decreasing reload speeds for maximum gameplay, the Bruen Heavy Support Grip which enhances movement speed and aim walking speed, and finally the Quartermaster Suppressor which reduces recoil and gun kick.

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Warzone Season 5 Best Loadouts

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